TECH ARTICLE NO. 22|Selection and Function of Aluminum Casement Window Hardware Accessories


TECH ARTICLE NO. 22|Selection and Function of Aluminum Casement Window Hardware Accessories


Hardware accessories in aluminum casement windows are an integral part of the door and window system, and are also key components that determine the opening performance and air tightness of the casement windows. Aluminum alloy door and window accessories are divided into three categories according to product categories: hardware accessories, sealing materials, and auxiliary components.


1. Hardware accessories


Aluminum Alloy casement window hardware can be classified into sliding door and window hardware, side hung window hardware, top hung window hardware and inner side hung window hardware according to their usage.

window hinges


2. Sealing material


The door leaf and door cover sealing strip is mainly used for sealing between the door panel and the door frame, the wool strip is mainly used for sealing between the frame and the leaf, and the glass sealing strip is used for sealing between the glass and the leaf and the frame. Sealing materials play an important role in waterproofing, sealing, and energy-saving in aluminum casement windows.


Door and window sealing strips can be divided into three categories in terms of usage: door leaf and door cover sealing strips, wool strips, and glass sealing strips (adhesive strips).


3. Auxiliary components


The auxiliary components used for aluminum alloy doors and windows mainly include: connectors, reinforcements, buffer pads, glass cushion blocks, fixed ground angles, sealing covers, etc.


The quality of window hardware accessories affects the price of windows. Imported hardware and domestic hardware have higher prices, but their quality is more guaranteed.


The function of aluminum alloy door lock points is to prevent prying, but it is the lock cylinder that truly controls the opening and closing of the lock points. No matter how many aluminum alloy door lock points there are, there is always only one lock cylinder. As long as the lock cylinder is opened, all lock points can be opened. Therefore, for aluminum casement window buyers, paying attention to the quality of the anti-theft lock cylinder is the key. The lock cylinder is the core of an anti-theft lock. Generally speaking, aluminum alloy doors have one locking point on the top, bottom, left, and right sides, which means four locking points are actually sufficient.


Sliding window hardware accessories: crescent lock, strip lock, lock hook, pulley, etc.


Hardware accessories for casement windows: handles (7-shaped handles), four links, transmission rods, lock seats, window hinges, window friction hinges, wind braces, etc.

aluminium casement window


Auxiliary materials mainly include: glass adhesive, structural adhesive, corner adhesive, sealant, expansion agent, ordinary screw adhesive strip, expansion screw, etc.

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